(Free SaaS Resource) The SaaS Metrics Dashboard: Is Your Company Growing The Way It Should Be?
“A big reason why I joined SaaS Academy was that I reached a level where I didn’t know what I didn’t know, but I didn’t even know what questions to ask. That’s something that I learned through SaaS Academy and through Dan is how to be a better leader, how to create a vision and communicate it with my team so that everybody is aligned, everybody’s going after the same goals. That kind of training is invaluable, and it’s hard to get that anywhere else.
I almost didn’t join SaaS Academy because of the price tag. If you haven’t experienced it, you don’t necessarily know, is it going to be worth this? Having been through it, the cost of SaaS Academy pays for itself many times over.“
“In the last 17 months, in working with SaaS Academy, our business grew by 108%. We would not have been able to get there without working with Dan, especially given the fact that we’re self-funded. I moved all across the country and we had our first baby. I mean, that was the result that I’m really proud of. And I’m sure we would not have been able to get there without SaaS Academy.”
“Biggest challenges I was facing before SaaS Academy: One was planning for the future, having processes in place. The second one was being around the team. I really wanted Dan, with all of his marketing and sales success, to teach me that foundation, that process, to build that microphone to just amplify what I felt was a groundswell of business, and referrals, and customers. Without SaaS Academy, I probably wouldn’t have the team that I have today. I know for sure I wouldn’t have the customers that I have today. Probably would have a lot more stress in my life. And I think out of everything, having a peace of mind that I know I have someone, and a team, and a group to fall back on to help me. It’s awesome. I love it.
“Yeah, I can definitely say that this is a no-brainer. Since joining SaaS Academy, we’ve taken our business from about 100k in MRR to now over 550k in MRR, projecting to be closer to 750 in MRR within the next 60 to 90 days. And I can lay a lot of that success at the feet of the frameworks, and the guidance, and the advice and the support that I’ve gotten through this community. So yeah, no brainer.”
“After working with Dan, we’ve gone from a point where I was working 12 hours a day to probably working six to eight hours a day. The business has 3X. Everyone’s happier inside of the company. We’re also just accomplishing what the mission statement of the company truly was, which is the very exciting part about building a company like Time Doctor. Now we’ve got a lot more granularity on what we’re going to be doing, not just next month, but next quarter and hopefully next year, which has been super useful for my personal reduction in stress, and my commitment back to the team, which is really at the end of the day, all that you’re looking for as a SaaS founder.”
“I would think we wouldn’t be as far ahead, for one. We would probably be doing much more trial and error finding out the hard way. I would say probably many more, I would say costly errors in some way. You can often use the support as a sounding board. For me, it’s given me confidence as a business owner that yes, we can do this. Yes, there are people that know stuff that I don’t know and I have a go-to place.”
“What was missing was a fact that I did not have a clear understanding of how to put something out in the marketplace, and Dan has given me that path and clarity in my mind about what the steps are needed to get me there. The fact that, actually part of it is having the growth and mindset that allows me to feel comfortable in making some decisions that I want to make, where before I wouldn’t spend money that I wanted to spend that should have been spent. I know if I have more confidence that this is the right direction that I’m not as hesitant to spend the money to do the things necessary to push the application forward and get it out in the marketplace.”
“We have hired three new people since I started with SaaS Academy. And Dan had talked to me about, if you want to grow, you need to hire people because there is a correlation between the amount of work that you can get done and how much revenue you can make. And I’m not using the correct verbiage, but yes, we have already hired 3 people. We are attempting to double our spend on advertising, which he has recommended. We’re just trying to figure out the right way to put it. We are on an upward trajectory.”
“The Growth Accelerator ia great, really accessible for me, great to meet other people in the program, and have the process that Dan takes you through. Really, we followed it, and that’s why we’ve been able to execute and get to 10,000 MRR. That’s why we kind of then jumped into SaaS Academy apart from that. So growth accelerator is perfect for where we were are at, which is an early stage SaaS startup basically.”
“The way the strategies are laid out, they’re laid out in a way that you can follow them again and again and again. And if your business changes, it’s okay. You can go back to that and you can see how they’ll work and you can also see how you can focus your team towards them.”
“Gosh, since I started, my revenue has probably more than 2X. It actually more than doubled within the last year, so within the last two years, probably quadrupled. It’s been crazy. Right now, I’m feeling like, oh my gosh and that’s the one question I just asked my group at the table at the SaaS Academy Intensive, was “who did you hire after you hired a really good assistant?”. The people at my table were just so helpful because you get so many people who are experienced, who are maybe a little bit further than you are, and so they can help you with questions like that. They gave me some really good ideas on who to hire next.”
“Since joining SasS Academy, we’ve definitely grown our core metrics. We’ve grown in profitability. We’ve grown in revenue. We’ve grown in headcount, but the biggest growth, which to me is immeasurable, is my own growth as a CEO. I’ve actually really stepped into my role so much more, with so much more confidence and clarity of what my job really is because of this group. And absolutely it has to do with being here, being present, being challenged, being focused on my own growth and learning, which I really wasn’t doing much of at all prior to joining SaaS Academy.”
“As a company, I don’t remember the exact number that we were at when we came, but we’re probably at least 100% revenue growth in probably about a year.“
“So with Growth Accelerator, the money that we paid for it, we’ve already made that money at least 10 times over from the paid customers we’ve added. And then just honestly, from the time and money that we’ve saved by not having to do certain things, going down the wrong path that I’m sure we would have if we didn’t have the guidance from Dan in the Growth Accelerator program. I don’t have to do those trial and errors and spend that money and spend that time. He’s already done that. He said, “Hey, this is the template. It works. You don’t need to think about it.” It just saved tons of time and money for us.”
“I’ve been in SaaS Academy for eight months now and in just that short time, working with Dan and the whole team here at SaaS Academy, my business has literally tripled. We’ve added 12 employees, and I really couldn’t do it without Dan’s support and everyone here in this room.”
“For about 18 months, Conversio had flat, flat, flat growth. And then I went to SaaS Academy’s intensive in Boston in January. And we’ve actually managed with the changes and commitments I made there, and Dan keeping me accountable, we’ve grown about 27% in our revenue.“
“The biggest struggle I was facing as a SaaS founder was prioritizing all the things and making sure we weren’t missing any of those things. As a member of the Growth Accelerator Program, I’ve certainly learned that it is a process, and I just knew to trust the process. I showed up because I know that you need to be willing to learn and open to all the pieces and parts that have been defined by the Growth Accelerator Program, and so I was interested to see what nuggets I could walk away with. I got one really great process piece out of the event and one content piece. In the land of process, I knew it would be an engaging event, but it was hands down the best virtual event I’ve attended.”
“A big challenge for me was being able to communicate the value that our solution brings to our customer, and this is the primary reason why we joined this program. Naturally, I had hesitations joining the event, but because I had seen some of the work that Dan has been posting on LinkedIn and other social media channels, the hesitation that I had was really solved even before I decided to join the program. Man, it’s just the gems that you put on social media. Every time you post something on LinkedIn, there’s always value. And for me, every time I joined one of the masterclasses. There’s always value on Facebook. There’s always value. So really it wasn’t a challenge or a difficult decision for me to make.“
“The biggest takeaway for us was feeling confident in our growth map, to have a pathway to reach our desired customer or PD as we like to call them. This is the ideal event to interact with individuals in similar spots in their software journey. The Growth Accelerator team does a great job walking everyone through the necessary implementable action steps. With the expertise involved, I would highly recommend any SaaS founder team to participate and unlock their growth potential. With the frameworks learned and implemented our goal is to be a 10K MRR by the end of 2021.“
“Having been part of the Growth Accelerator Program and having seen some of those sessions, I believed from those experiences that the summit was going to be tremendously valuable and was going to connect us with some amazing founders of other companies experiencing some of the same pain points that we were. Just to say, thanks so much, Dan and the team for an amazing summit. It was infectious in his energy, love the DJing, loved the opportunity to engage with other people and to hear the coaching happening firsthand. Keep up the great work and look forward to the next event.”
“I think a lot of people that may be interested in this program might be thinking, okay, if this is going to make me more money, that’s great. That’s one ROI. The biggest ROI for me is I feel like I’ve got the business and the team that’s going to line me up for success for the future. The team that’s going to take me to that level. And I didn’t have that before SaaS Academy. They clarified some of the things or confirmed some of the things I’ve been thinking about in my head about like, what doesn’t make a great player. What does make great players. How to evaluate your team members. How to make sure that you give them the right instruction and tools to be successful. How to empower your team.”
“Since joining SaaS Academy, we’ve grown by 80% in just under a year. I think as a founder, there is a lack of certainty and a lack of focus because you have a hunch that you’re doing the right things, and you’re trying to gather that information. But having that playbook from Dan gives you the focus, the carry, and the confidence to move forward, and know that you’re actually doing the right thing, and having your team aligned behind that, which is awesome. It’s definitely paid over itself within the first couple of months, for sure.”
“Our businesses are generating over 300 leads a month, that would not have happened without SaaS Academy, period. It’s impossible to hang out with Dan for more than 10 minutes even, and not know that he cares super, super deeply about your success as an entrepreneur. The second thing that I got out of SaaS Academy and continue to get is process refinement: Here’s how we need to think about that pipeline, Here’s how we need to think about the stages, At what point do they get converted?, How did they do that?, Who’s in charge of that, and then What is that core metric, that core output. What is each rep closing? That understanding of the pipeline has given us the clarity to know at a moment’s notice, real time: “Are we on track to hit the month or not? Are we going to hit this quarter or not?”.
“I know that SaaS Academy was really expensive. If I hadn’t taken that risk and written that big check, I would definitely regret that decision because I would have seen other companies in our industry as part of that, that are being really successful. With software, you can just make a few small tweaks and have a huge impact on your business. And you’re going to be around a lot of founders that have grown really scalable businesses multiple times, like Dan. And so I was blown away with how other companies that I knew of in our industry that were members of SaaS Academy were extremely giving. And once I met them in that group, everything changed and we worked together on things, and I can see a clear path to get where we want to go.”
“So whenever I have a question, I can reach out to the Dan or any other of the other coaches in the group, and they’re able to answer my question so I don’t have to be out there guessing and doing trial and error. What it meant to me to solve those issues is one, I could have more peace of mind and sleep better at night, and also it’s helped me be able to be a better leader, to be able to help the team move quicker, grow, find our target customer and be able to move forward and not be hung up on things that we don’t know. So it’s been very beneficial, been very impactful, and I really enjoy being part of the group.”
“We have scaled up all of our closing percentages where we’re closing 30, 40% of our leads. With some decisions Dan helped me make regarding pricing increases and making sure that we looked into the market and we’re charging the correct amount, has brought us close to a million dollars in ARR over the last year, which has been just massive for us. So we were doing about 1.5 to 1.8, when we started, and we’ll do close to $3M this year, with SaaS Academy. I attribute about 800,000 or 900,000 of that to SaaS Academy. So, I definitely recommend him to anybody and everyone I talk to in the SaaS world.”
“In the last two months working with SaaS Academy, we’ve been able to reduce our churn by 2.5%, we’ve been able to slowly bring our development in-house for the first time, and also boost our MRR continuously month-over-month.”
“Without SaaS Academy, I’d probably be completely unorganized with our team meetings, and with the lot of the systems that we currently have in our company as far as managing different team members. I know before SaaS Academy, we scaled up to about 14, 15 people, and we ended up scaling back down to about 10, 11 people, it was just too chaotic. But we have now very easily been able to manage the 10 people on our team because we have those systems in place now.”
“I switched over to the SaaS Academy and I have all this content in front of me and I get to go sit throughout this week, especially during the intensive, with other 10 million annual recurring revenue founders. And even just sitting there and listening to them talk about the problems they’re having, that just removes so much stress knowing that I can go into even the next few days and be able to see, okay … It’s almost like if you were to drive through a dark tunnel, but you’ve driven through it multiple times, or there’s a camera on the other side, so you can see what’s on the other side, so you’re not as scared going through the dark tunnel. I know what’s coming because these people are telling me what’s coming and I can plan for that emotionally and through my lifestyle and everything else.”
“Without GSS, we would be dumping money into stuff that we don’t know works. And I would probably just be personally bouncing around different websites trying to figure out let’s try this and not really have a framework for analyzing is that working? So I feel like I’ve got direction now and that’s something I wouldn’t have had without GSS.”
“Since joining SaaS Academy, we came into this with, I think, we were at six or seven employees, now we’re at 12, we’re going to be hiring three or four more. The company month over month is growing between 10% and 20% and that’s MRR growth, then we have one time revenue that’s growing. And so, all in all, we just see this nice chart going up, which is exciting because now there’s momentum with the team. There’s momentum with me, there’s momentum with all these new people that we’re bringing into it. And it’s allowed us to take a little bit more risk versus when we were flat. We know where we’re going and it’s been great.”
“When we joined, we were at about 150K MRR, we’re about to hit 200K MRR. I’ve been a part of this program for what, less than four months. So that’s pretty significant growth just in the last few months of being part of SaaS Academy. I can definitely attribute some of the partnership calls that I’ve had already, and just the way I navigate the last call that helped us really land the biggest partnership to date, I talked differently than I would have, and that was based on the training from the SaaS Academy Program. “
“This event has really been a big eye opener in just some of the steps and the processes. Things that I’ve thought about and in my brain, I’m like, “Yeah, I know that this needs to happen, but I’m not quite sure how to put this on paper.” And some of the really cool things that Dan has laid out has allowed me to be like, “Oh, okay, well, this is how this needs to be laid out. Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom.” And I lay it out and now I can see it on paper and I’m like, “Okay,” and now I can talk to someone about it and we can start to take action on some of these steps, whereas before they were just thoughts in my brain. I didn’t really know what to do about them.”
“After joining SaaS Academy about a year and a half ago, we’ve 2X revenue and also put the processes in place that are helping us manage more leads with less people and it’s been just a great experience. (Tom is now an alumni of SaaS Academy and a member of our Boardroom Program!)”
“I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t know what to prioritize. I didn’t know what the levers to increase growth were. I didn’t know how to handle the SaaS business. This is my fourth company. I’m from a service background, so all my reflexes, all my instincts had to be reviewed. And my greatest frustration was basically that I just didn’t know, I had no idea where to look next. Now thanks to Dan, it’s much clearer. And if I may extend myself a little longer here, I’ve read all those books. This is not my first business. Crossing the Chasm, Good to Great, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. I’ve read them all looking for answers or at least looking for help and I consider the work you’ve done a similar body of work.”
“The number one thing I loved about the event, I mean, does it have to be just one? I loved the growth map, the scale ladder and the magnetic content framework, loved it. I’d say it’s a great event. A lot of cumulative experience sharing going on, as big as it was, it did feel like I had personal coaching via coming on the camera or via the chat. I mean, I really got a lot of value out of it. I think you would too. It’s hard to explain, but having all of that wealth of knowledge around, it answers a ton of my questions.“
“If you’re struggling in your business, there’s no other way to surround yourself with others in the same boat and learn from those who’ve done it. Dan and his team have been there, done that. He brings great content, he has a great team. There’s a great group of people in the room. And more importantly, it’s actionable content that you can implement in your business right away. High energy, great content, great human being. Overall, you absorb the energy that others give out and vice versa, and there’s nothing better than great content and high energy. And Dan, every time I talk to you, I listen to your content, I get energised. So good luck man, and great work, and let’s create a world of great entrepreneurs together.”
“So when we joined SaaS Academy, we were at 10K MRR, and we’ve been in for about 18 months now. And we’re at 120K MRR. It’s only been 12 weeks. I know! Yeah, we’ve grown that much in that time.”
“Other SaaS founders should join SaaS Academy if they’re looking for systems to plug into that you know will work and if they’re looking for a really supportive community of other people who are on the same journey. The group of other founders that I’ve met at SaaS Academy has turned into partnership opportunities, it’s turned into collaborative discussions, it’s turned into people who are running businesses 10 times as large as mine that are amazing sounding boards for what’s worked for them and what hasn’t.”
“Before I met Dan, we measured our success based on growth. That was our number one metric. But what about all these numbers that are in between? He’s helped us be more granular in looking at the whole journey of the customer and become more successful. And it took our growth internally and to our members from a nice, steady incline to rocket speed. If I were to go back in time to when we started the business, if I could have had this in-depth amount of resource and access, it would have sped up our growth exponentially.”
“So I’ve been in SaaS Academy just over a year, and in this year we’ve had pretty tremendous growth. Our team’s grown from about 10 people to 16 people. We grew from 1.3 million a year in recurring revenue in just over a year to over $2M in recurring revenue.“
“I feel like what Dan has created with SaaS Academy is a community of people that understand me as an entrepreneur and that I can connect with, share my challenges with, and that’s been incredibly valuable. And the really powerful thing about the way Dan teaches is the way he’s able to take these abstract and at times very complicated topics or subjects and turn them into a very easy to follow, clear framework and strategy. Before joining Dan’s program, I remember seeing Facebook ads from Dan Martell and jumping on a webinar and hearing about what he was doing and I made the investment. And that led me to where I am today.“
“I’m doing a better job of delegating. So like every control freak, I want to monitor every email and jump in and so one of the first things I did was, you know what? I can’t monitor every email. I can’t price every deal. So, my emails went from like 15 on pricing deals a day to zero because of the Delegation Frameworks. So for me, all this work that is coming from Growth Accelerator to me is forcing me to get some stuff off my plate that I shouldn’t be doing anyway.”
“So one of my regrets is that I didn’t get into SaaS Academy sooner. If I would have found SaaS Academy a year or two years ago, I know that our growth would probably be 10 X where we are today. I’m very grateful that we are in now and that things are moving in the right direction, but I would say don’t delay, do it today.”
“There is some friction that we have taken out of our business because we took his advice and his training on customer success management. We were doing it, but the truth is we were treating it more like a customer support, more like a glorified support role, and he really helped us understand the art and science of customer success, what that really means to do that well. We also, over the last 60 days, nearly 2X our customer count. And so now we’re working to get our pricing, which Dan has also helped me quite a bit with, so we’re trying to implement some of the new pricing frameworks that were presented at the SaaS Academy San Diego Intensive”
“Because of the program I know what I’m supposed to be doing, right? As opposed to just, all right, I’m developing stuff, now what? I just have a roadmap of where to go. And that’s huge because I mean, you spend a lot of time. It’s very expensive to develop software. And it’s very stressful as a result because especially if you’re bootstrapping, that’s a lot of your money. It’s a lot of your time, it’s a lot of your effort. And so, if you’re not able to see the road in front of you, it’s incredibly stressful.”
“Since joining SaaS Academy, our growth has been roughly around 2X what we had before. So it’s just been phenomenal! And it’s not something, without the idea and the guidance from Dan, it’s not something that we could have done by ourselves.”
“I think that’s the real value that you get from SaaS Academy is that, with Dan and other people inside the group, they’ve been there. They’ve gone through those challenges. They’ve learned from those mistakes and the new challenges that you’re going to face as your business goes through different growth stages. Because inside of the group, there are people who are almost in a lot of different stages of the SaaS journey. And there’s definitely, always going to be people to turn to for advice.”
“And I would say, it easily has allowed us to get to where we are today. I’d probably say, without SaaS Academy, we’d be a number of months behind which in this particular growth pattern we’re in, it would be significant. So, I think it probably easily added 20 to 30% of our success. And I mean, the return on investment for it, we’ve easily made 10x what we’ve invested, and we’ve only really been in the program since earlier this year. So, we’re like nine months in and already have a significant appreciation and implementation that shows that we really feel good about the investment.”
“Before joining SaaS Academy, we had a really bad churn problem. We still do have a churn problem, it’s something we’re working on but it has definitely improved after joining. And part of that was by utilizing some of Dan’s training such as, I believe it was called the Churn Buster Template, and also the Cancellation Capture. So after joining SaaS Academy, we were actually able to add about $10,000 to our monthly recurring revenue, which I thought was really awesome. And part of that was reducing churn and part of that was also adding more customers.”
“Other founders should definitely consider joining Growth Accelerator to be surrounded with people that are having the same challenges they are. I spent many years thinking that this was only my challenge, and I’d have to solve this challenge to get to this point before I really start rubbing elbows with founders of companies I see out there. But being in a room and understanding the other companies and the founders that I’m rubbing elbows with, I see that it doesn’t matter how many challenges you have or what they are, everybody has the same challenges, if not similar challenges. And as a whole, you’re going to be able to find help to solve them or find learnings to help you solve them yourself.”
“I would say if you have not signed up for the Growth Accelerator Program, then you’re missing out on a very strong perspective. Somebody who has industry insight, somebody who can drive your business to the next level. So I would say, give it a shot, put yourself out there, try something new. Really, if you do join the program, try and set aside a good amount of time to dedicate to learning and really taking in as much as you can from the program, because it’s a good one.”
“I mean, I think if you’re considering attending an event like this, really it’s an investment in yourself. Dan and the coaches have a lot of great advice, the workbooks are great, the discussion and the production value is fantastic. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a DJ on a Zoom training session, so that added a lot of energy. It was a lot of fun actually throughout the day. A lot of interesting things I learned outside of just business, breathing techniques and other things like that. So if you’re really serious about growing your business and you’re looking to have a personal day of focus to really reflect on where you’re at, follow some frameworks and some best practises, I think you’ll find you get a great return on investment.”
“I would highly recommend anybody who’s a founder or co-founder that wants to scale a software-related business or some other adjacent business models would definitely get some value and get some good guidance and some good thought-provoking things to think about in relation to their growth strategy by attending this session with Dan and his team. So, highly recommend. “
“One of my friends is in SaaS Academy, and he had really positive feedback. A course like this can help you put the big picture together. That’s exactly what happened to me. I had all of these ideas in my head, but they were not organized into one concise picture. And just a couple hours after the event, I woke up in the night, and I draw like five pages, and we have the whole plan for the year now, so.”
“Before I joined the Growth Stacking event, I had a couple of hesitations, mainly just, “Is this the right investment for my money?” Being a bootstrap startup, every single penny counts. So that was my biggest fear is I really needed to get the most bang for my buck, and every dollar we spend needs to be effective. By far, my biggest takeaway was focus, focus, focus. Go deep, don’t go wide. I left the Summit feeling so jazzed and so clear on what to do next. In the two years of my startup, it’s the most clarity that I really have ever had. If you’re on the fence about joining one of Dan Martell’s programs or going to one of his events, I would say, get off the fence now. It is a must, must, must have.“